
Wht's after the examenations

    Things you must do them with your cheldren after finishing there examinations   Home Participation and Food Preparation Your children can help you prepare food, peel peas or beans, or process some foods that don't need to be used if they're young. Cleanliness and organization of the house Organize the house or garden in case there is a garden in the house, the child can help you clean and organize them and can buy some seeds and serve them to the child to plant and nurture them and follow their development, or do the same in the "balcony". Or if the place was rural. Take care of themselve s: Equip the bathroom clothes bathing and dressing, sitting in the room with heating with some "snacks" as popcorn, cake and nuts. Reading Stories: Different Books: You can prepare some stories for their ages, give each child one of them and read them well to tell them to everyone and share each individual's story. Memorizing the Holy Quran and honourable prophetic

Gairls who love cat

  InterpreterGiven model care .  A girl who loves cats is very capable of caring for and caring for others. She has chosen to take care of another being regularly, taking care of his food, bearing his responsibility and doing so willingly without any grumbling.  She understands her husband for more freedom .  A cat lover understands well that cats are no less loyal than dogs as they are common than them, but more independent from dogs, and understands well that the cat she adores loves loves to leave herself for some time and spend it alone.  Don't care about her external criticism .  A girl who loves cats is often never indifferent to people's opinion of her, and never does what satisfies others at the expense of her comfort, which makes her never care about everything people say about her being crazy about cats or.  Y٨ou see everything around her is beautiful and funn y A cat lover sees all the harassment and irritating actions that cats do that are funny and fun, and she can

Pets in your home

    There is more than one type of pet that can be raised at home without risk, which are:: (parrot...turtle...rabbit...birds) 1-   parrot :  A parrot is one of the most important birds that you can buy for your children to keep at home because it has a sharp intelligence and is very entertaining. It will also play with your children and imitate them, so you should keep it at home. Big cage to make him feel more free.  2 - The turtle  It is one of children's favorite reptiles because, like other pets, it teaches children patience and kindness toward animals, and it suits them because it provides them with food such as lettuce.  3- Ducks:   It is one of the very beloved birds that children love. It is best to keep ducks on the roof of the house, so be sure to buy some ducks because they like to live in groups. 4  - 4- Chicken or chick:  You can buy chicks for   your children to raise, take care of, and also pay attention to providing them with grains until th

الاطفال والهواتف الذكية

  اوقات فراغ الاطفال : يستخدم ألأطفال الذكية تربة متعددة الأغراض، مثل اللعب والدراسة. ومع ذلك، فإنهم يلاحظون آثار الآثار  الطفل :المحتملة لهذا الاستخدام، مما لا يستدعي حدوث ضوابط نتيجة لهذا الاستخدام.  أن الوقت الذي يقضيه الأطفال أمام الشاشات يمكن أن يؤثر بشكل واضح على أدمغتهم. تنمية مهارات الطفل :  و إلى أنه يمكن في الوقت الحالي التركيز على مهارات القراءة الطويلة للأطفال، بما في ذلك التخيل والتنظيم الذاتي للعقل. تؤثر هذه التأثيرات على سرعة الإدراك وأن تتفاعل مع الهادف مع العائلة والمعلمين. الطفل الرضيع إلى أن تعلم الأطفال يعتمد بشكل كبير على بيئتهم المحيطة؛ وهم يعتمدون بشدة على الشاشات ويحبون إبداعهم الطبيعي. من المهم ألا ندعو لحرمان الأطفال من استخدام الشاشات؛ يجب معالجة المشكلة عبر تنظيم وضبط المدة والمواعيد لاستخدام الطفل لهذه الأجهزة وفقًا لمعايير محددة. استخدام الهواتف الذكية :  يستخدم هواتف الأطفال الذكية سلباً سواء لأغراض التصوير الفوتوغرافي أو التعلم مما يؤثر سلباً على التأثيرات السلبية لهذا الاستخدام. تبرز الحاجة إلى الاعتماد على ضوابط تنظيم هذا التنوع

ادوات الذكاء الاصطناعى


Sportsto children

 ::Sports for your chldren   Parents often look for sports for thei  children Therefore, they decided to encourage their children to exercise and that they are able to control sports for themselves, as each child can exercise or another event, and whatever he chooses takes some time in order to organize effective sports for his child. [1] Sports provide children with the opportunity to develop natural abilities for many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of sports for children: [1]. Forming the child’s personality and animal principles through healthy play; Children who participate in sports can well become role models for their peers in school or fitness, allowing them to start exercising some of their role models. New   tough friendships can last a lifetime. Teach children the benefits of teamwork      and social interaction. Look to sports competitions as the possibilities for learning from successes and relief, as situations often motivate children to try harder next time. Le

Sports for children

  Sports is very important to children  Parents often look for sports for their children Therefore, they decided to encourage their children to exercise and that they are able to control sports for themselves, as each child can exercise or another event, and whatever he chooses takes some time in order to organize effective sports for his child. [1] Sports provide children with the opportunity to develop natural abilities for many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of sports for children: [1]. Forming the child’s personality and animal principles through healthy play; Children who participate in sports can well become role models for their peers in school or fitness, allowing them to start exercising some of their role models. New tough friendships can last a lifetime. Teach children the benefits of teamwork and social interaction. Look to sports competitions as the possibilities for learning from successes and relief, as situations often motivate children to try harder next time.