The impact of climate change on public health. .

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The impact of climate change on public health
Despite the great preparations made by the developed countries of the world to confront the repercussions of climate change, the escalating pace of these repercussions has proven that there is no immunity to the effects of climate change, and that everyone is a partner in this issue. Developing countries have recently paid attention to the climate issue, although the developing world is the most affected by the repercussions of the global climate crisis. Where nature, which has been distorted by man over the decades, directs its wrath on the poorest and most needy among humanity. Since humans and their health are closely linked to the health and safety of the environment, climate change, with its multi-level impacts and repercussions on various vital sectors, is a direct threat to human health.
The climate issue is not a new issue in the world. The most developed countries took notice of it decades ago when they began to notice changes in temperature, and have already begun working to develop their infrastructure to confront the effects of climate change in the coming years. While developing countries have recently paid attention to the climate issue, although the developing world is the most affected by the repercussions of the global climate crisis. Where nature, which has been distorted by man over the decades, directs its wrath on the poorest and most needy among humanity. However, stakeholders from the major industrial countries that had the greatest role in exacerbating this crisis remain immune to these direct risks. 


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