Wht's after the examenations


 Things you must do them with your cheldren after finishing there examinations

Home Participation and Food Preparation

Your children can help you prepare food, peel peas or beans, or process some foods that don't need to be used if they're young.

Cleanliness and organization of the house

Organize the house or garden in case there is a garden in the house, the child can help you clean and organize them and can buy some seeds and serve them to the child to plant and nurture them and follow their development, or do the same in the "balcony". Or if the place was rural.

Take care of themselves:

Equip the bathroom clothes bathing and dressing, sitting in the room with heating with some "snacks" as popcorn, cake and nuts.

Reading Stories: Different Books:

You can prepare some stories for their ages, give each child one of them and read them well to tell them to everyone and share each individual's story. Memorizing the Holy Quran and honourable prophetic hadiths besides watching old films with a well-known purpose and discussing it after completion and to learn the value of honesty, friendship and parents' needlessness and respect for the great Watch cartoon movies and choose your child's favourite so that he or she is attracted to follow the content of the film well so that he or she can be psychological and be seated. TV may be a few hours per day.

Playing  sports :

At home or club, if any, and if possible, that  is what he recommended ..


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