Seniors and sports

 Older adults with limited mobility face man

 specific challenges, one of which is exercise. Although mobility problems may seem like a barrier to exercise, tailored physical activity can significantly improve the health of older people in such situations. Regular exercise is essential for older adults, especially those with limited mobility. Exercise helps maintain joint flexibility, prevent muscle atrophy, and improve blood circulation. It also reduces stiffness, reduces the risk of complications such as bed sores, improves mental health and reduces depression and anxiety.

Despite popular belief, 

limited mobility does not mean that older people cannot exercise. It's about adapting exercise to suit each individual's health and abilities. The exercises can be adapted for bedridden elderly people, people who use wheelchairs and even those with partial paralysis. For bedridden elderly people, they can do light stretching exercises even in the limited space of bed, such as gentle leg raises and ankle curls. They can also use isometric exercises such as muscle contraction to increase muscle strength

. . For bedridden elderly people, 

they can do light stretching exercises even in the limited space of bed, such as gentle leg raises, ankle curls and rotational movements. They can also use isometric exercises such as muscle contraction and relaxation to increase muscle strength.


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