2010 / 2000
Our master's courage is on me to face challenges. The story begins with a description of the quiet atmosphere in Medina, where our master Ali ibn Abi Talib is living in peace. A hot and sunny day comes, shedding light on his courage in time of distress. A crisis arises in the city, where a group of aggressives threaten the safety of Muslims. People speak with deep concern about the potential danger and the need for protection.. Ali ben Abi Talib, may God please him, comes forward, looking at people's faces with confidence and expressing his readiness to meet the challenge. The army leads the faithful to the field, where the battle ignites.. In the middle of chaos and shouting, Ali stays calm and steady, directing Muslims and fighting with incomparable courage. He shows his spiritual and physical strength in every move. The conflict ends with a victory for Muslims, and safety and security return to the city.. The story concludes by offering lessons and lessons from the courage of our Master Ali, to God's satisfaction with him, and how faith and trust in God can give strength in the face. After Muslims were able to win the great battle of them, Badr's Great Conquest, people remembered deep the courage of our master Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God please him, during these crucial moments. During the battle, Mr. Ali's leadership and courage are evident. The enemy confronts with courage, fighting forcefully and faithfully to push the danger from Muslims. He has a prominent role in organizing classes and raising the morale of fighters, contributing to the great victory of Muslims. After the battle ends, our master is honored and his courage and great contributions to victory are recognized. People's talk about it is full of admiration and respect, thus enhancing its status as one of the greatest owners of the Prophet. So after Muslims were able to win the great battle of them, Badr's Great Conquest, people deep down remember the courage of our master Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God please him, during these crucial moments. During the battle, Mr. Ali's leadership and courage are evident. The enemy confronts with courage, fighting forcefully and faithfully to push the danger from Muslims. He has a prominent role in organizing classes and raising the morale of fighters, contributing to the great victory of Muslims. After the battle ends, our master is honored and his courage and great contributions to victory are recognized. People's talk about it is full of admiration and respect, thus enhancing its status as one of the greatest owners of the Prophet. Bin Abi Talib Karam
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